Gökkuşağı renginde arka aydınlatma
Double injection teknolojisi
Symbols will not be weared down as the keys are molded of two plastic colours: black for the key body and white / transparent for the symbols.
Anti-ghost fonksiyonu
Q, A, Z, W, S, X, E, D, C, R, F, V, T, G, B, M, Tab, Capslock, Shift-L, Ctrl-L, Alt-L, Space, ↑, ↓, ←, →.
Ofis, multimedya ve internet uygulamalarına hızlı erişim için kısayol amaçlı tuşları
7 modes of dynamic backlight
Switching the backlight mode is achieved by pressing the FN+SL keys. Further setting of modes is possible by pressing the FN+“↑” and FN+“↓” key combinations. FN+ left/right arrow changes the direction of movement of the dynamic backlight. The backlight brightness changes only in static mode
Modes: 1 static and 7 dynamic:
1. Static backlight
2. Waves from/to the middle
3. Waves
4. Flashing when pressed
5. Overflow
6. Smooth flow
7. Waves from the center
8. Waves from above.
Locking of WIN key when playing a game
Ayarlanabilir arka ışık parlaklığı
Backlight speed control FN + cursor right/left keys
3 seviyeli parlaklığı ayarlanabilir ışıklandırma
Backlight of symbols and keys
Sonorous sound / switch click